
Corporate Information

Company Name

Melstacorp PLC

Domicile and Legal Form of the Holding Company

Public Limited Liability Company incorporated and domiciled in Sri Lanka and listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange

Registered Office

  • 110, Norris Canal Road, Colombo 10 .Sri Lanka
  • Tel : +94 11 5900300
  • Fax : +94 11 5900333
  • Web :

Board of Directors

  • Mr. D. H. S. Jayawardena – Chairman
  • Mr. C. R. Jansz – Deputy Chairman 
  • Mr. M. A. N. S. Perera – Managing Director
  • Mr. N. De S. Deva Aditya – Independent Non-Executive Director
  • Mr. K. J. Kahanda – Non-Executive Director
  • Dr. A. N. Balasuriya – Independent Non-Executive Director
  • Mr. D. Hasitha S. Jayawardena – Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
  • Ms. D. S. T. Jayawardena – Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
  • Mr. Damien Fernando – Executive Director
  • Mr. M. R. Mihular – Independent Non-Executive Director
  • Dr. Ravi A Fernando - Independent Non-executive Director

Company Secretary

  • Corporate Services (Private) LimitedNo. 216, De Saram Road,Colombo 10. Sri Lanka
  • Tel : +94 11 4605100
  • Fax : +94 11 4718220


  • Central Depository Systems (Private) LimitedRegistrar Services and Corporate Actions UnitNo. 341/5, M & M Center, Kotte Road, Rajagiriya. Sri Lanka
  • Tel : +94 11 2356456
  • Fax : +94 11 2440396


KPMG (Chartered Accountants)32A, Sir Mohamed Macan Marker Mawatha,Colombo 03. Sri Lanka


Bank of CeylonHatton National Bank PLCCommercial Bank of Ceylon PLCDFCC Bank PLCSampath Bank PLC

Credit Rating

‘AAA (lka)’ ; Outlook Stable by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited